Monday 18 November 2019


Write about you and your family (you can include grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins,.. if you want)
In half paperboard
Add a photograph or more than one (if possible) ( If not posible, a drawing)
You'll have to do an oral presentation / exposition of your project in class.
Deadline: Next Monday 25th November  


  • My name is .... I'm ... years old. I live in ... I like .... I don't like ...
  • My mother's name is ..... She is ...  She is a ..... / She works ..... She is very good at ...  She likes ..... She doesn't like
  • My father's name is ... He is ........
  • My brother /sister.....
  • I've got a pet. It's a .... Its name is ....


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