Wednesday 23 January 2019


Kingdoms are a way that scientists have developed to divide all living things. These divisions are based on what living things have in common and how they differ. Currently there are five kingdoms in which all living things are divided: Monera KingdomProtist KingdomFungi KingdomPlant Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom.

Monera Kingdom

The Monera Kingdom consists of organisms that are made up of one cell. These organisms are called unicellular. These unicellular organisms are made of a very simple cell that often lacks many cell parts, such as a nucleus, that are commonly found in other cells. Bacteria are a type of monera.

Protist Kingdom

Protists are similar to monera in that they are unicellular. Protists are a bit more complex because they contain a nucleus. They also have moving parts and can move around within their environment.

Fungi Kingdom

Fungi have their own kingdom because there is no other organism like them. They were once thought to be plants but they differ from plants in one major way. Fungi cannot make their own food. Mushrooms are a type of fungi.

Plant Kingdom

All plants are a part of the Plant Kingdom. Plants include trees, grass, flowers, and algae. They all share the common characteristic of being able to make their own food using water and sunlight. Because they only require a few simple requirements, plants can grow almost anywhere. 

Animal Kingdom

Organisms in the Animal Kingdom are multicellular and rely on other organisms for food. This kingdom is by far the largest of all the kingdoms. The animals of the Animal Kingdom can be found all over the world and can be any size from very tiny to extremely big.

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