Sunday 20 January 2019


This unit is related to living things (the five kingdoms, vertebrate and invertebrate animals and the importance of photosynthesis).
You will have to choose among these three options:
  1. MANGROVES: What are they?, where can you find them, biodiversity, importance and conservation.
  2. MIGRATORY ANIMALS: Research about different species of migratory animals, characteristics, why do they migrate, where, when.
  3. ANIMALS DEFENCES AND PROTECTION AGAINST PREDATORS: Investigate about different animals strategies, camouflages, defences,... to avoid being pray of predators.

This time, there will have no groups assignated; therefore, you choose and tell me: individually, in pairs or in groups of 3 o4 maximum.

This project can be done either in poster or in powerpoint. Of course, apart from making it, you'll have to do a correct presentation of it.

The deadline is Tuesday 12th of February.

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