Thursday 1 November 2018



To perform the function of nutrition blood carries nutrients, oxygen and waste products. The circulatory system consists of blood, blood vessels and heart

heart diagram animatedBLOOD

Blood is the only tissue of our body that is liquid. It transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste products.

Blood is made of a liquid called plasma and blood cells: red cells, white cells and platelets.

  • Plasma: It's liquid. It's transports the nutrients and the waste products.
  • Red cells: Red cells carry oxygen and give blood its colour.
  • · White cells: White cells defend us from disease.
  • · Platelets: Platelets join together and stop the bleeding after an injury in your skin. This process is called coagulation.


Blood vessels are types of tubes through which blood circulates.

There are three types: arteries, veins and capillaries.

· Arteries: The arteries carry blood from the heart. (red)

· Veins: The veins carry blood towards the heart. (blue)

· Capillaries: The capillaries connect the arteries and veins. They carry blood to our organs.


The Heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.

The heart works all our lives, it doesn´t stop.

It is divided into two halves: right and left atrium and right and left ventricle.

Blood flows from the atria to the ventricles thanks to valves.


It is the journey that makes the blood into the lungs. Thus, the blood picks up oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.

1. The blood flows from right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries.

2. The blood picks up oxygen in the lungs.

3. The blood returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.


The journey that makes the blood throughout the body. Blood carries oxygen to all body parts.

1.The blood leaves the left ventricle by the aorta. 

2.The blood goes through all the organs of the body carrying oxygen and nutrients. 
3.The blood returns to the right atrium through the vena cava

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