Tuesday 20 October 2015


(Autumn Decoration-2015)

Una de las mejores artistas-profesoras de nuestro colegio - María Vázquez (tutora de 1ºA) - ha decorado los pasillos centrales del centro magistralmente, como podéis comprobar en estas fotos.
Dibujos realizados por el alumnado de 1º, hojas otoñales así como frutas del otoño conforman el todo de esta sensacional decoración.
Disfrutad de las imágenes si no podéis acercaros al centro para verlo "in situ".

(One of our best artists-teacher is María Vázquez (tutora of 1st level A) and she has decorated the main halls of the school masterfully as you can see in the pictures below. You can find here drawings related to autumn made by the 1st level students as well as lots of beautiful leaves and autumn fruits.
If you are not able to come to the centre in order to see the decoration "in situ", it's possible for you to enjoy them in these photos).

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